Five reasons to move house

There are many reasons to move house, often prompted by a change in life or personal circumstances. In this article, we’re going to look at the five main reasons people move and provide some food for thought if you’re also considering moving somewhere new.

1. More or less space

People starting families always need extra bedrooms and more space for storage. The reverse happens when children leave home and parents find themselves with too much space on their hands.

2. Change of job or a new work opportunity

Where you work and how much you earn are the two key factors which determine where you can afford to live. Likewise, getting a job offer in another city or country will prompt the need to move too.

3. Cost of living

Right now, the cost of living is a hot topic. We all know how any change can affect our living circumstances, especially when costs increase. Sometimes, they change enough to force us to move to a more affordable place.

4. Change of climate

The weather has a profound effect on our daily lives, even if we’re not always aware how much. Many people choose to move simply because they want to live in a better climate.

5. Proximity to friends and family

Having our friends and family nearby is also one of the biggest motivators for moving house. We need them for care, company and support, so it’s always easier if you live in the same general area.

What are your reasons to move house? Here are some considerations if you’re thinking about making a move.

1. Environment

Where do you feel most at home? Are you a city person who enjoys the hustle and bustle? Are you happier in the suburbs? Or do you prefer the fresh air and wide open spaces of rural life?

2. Weather and climate

What type of weather do you enjoy most? Do you want to live in the winterless far north? Or do you enjoy four distinct seasons?

3. Finance

How much can you afford to spend on moving to a new house? The cost of properties varies substantially across the country, which could put the perfect location out of reach.

4. Lifestyle

Do you love getting outdoors? How important is arts and culture? Do you enjoy dining out and having lots of choices for entertainment?

5. Family

Especially if you have kids, living in a safe neighbourhood and having good access to schools is going to be a consideration.

And finally, you need to consider how you’re going to get there. Wherever you’re moving to in New Zealand or overseas, we hope you give us a call to get you there.