How to unpack after moving like a pro

Unpacking can seem like a daunting task, especially after the upheaval and stress of moving house. Unpacking is one of those tasks you need to do to get back to normality, but for many of us, it can also end up on our ‘I’ll do it later’ list. How many of you still have the odd box hiding in the attic that still hasn’t been unpacked from your last move? Well, here’s a guide to show you how to unpack after moving like a pro.

1. Efficient unpacking starts with efficient packing

This may seem obvious, but there are many tricks you can apply to your packing plan that will make unpacking so much easier and faster. Easier and faster means less stress.

Pack an essentials box. If you need detailed information about this, read our article about the ultimate moving day survival kit.

Essentially, this box should contain everything you need for immediate comfort, such as:

  • Towels
  • Toiletries
  • Toilet paper
  • Sheets and blankets to make the beds
  • An easy to prepare meal, plates and cutlery
  • A change of clothes

Your aim should be to have everything you need on hand to get through the first night in your new home, even if you don’t unpack any other boxes.

2. Label your boxes on packing day

Make sure every box is clearly marked with the room it belongs in and what it contains. This is a great way to involve your kids when you’re packing, by getting them to write the list on the side of the box. At the other end, when you need to find the toaster for breakfast, you’ll know exactly where it is.

3. Plan where your furniture will go

If you’ve planned this in advance, you can get your professional movers to place every item of furniture where you want them. This allows you to focus entirely on unpacking the boxes. Having to move furniture around is tiring and you’ll already feel fatigued after the first stage of the move. Make the placement of beds a priority so the movers do this essential task for you. Which leads us to the next point…

4. Assemble and make the beds first

Before any other task, assemble and make your beds so they’re ready for everyone to go to sleep. Moving day is very tiring, especially if you have kids to manage. Everyone will be tired, and there’s nothing worse than having to assemble a bed when you’re already feeling exhausted.

5. Prioritising the order of unpacking

The kitchen is the heart of the home for good reason. It’s where you prepare food to nourish you and your family. It makes sense to start unpacking the kitchen first, so you’re ready to prepare food and drinks as needed.

The bathroom is the next logical room to unpack. You should have items for washing in your essentials box if you don’t get to the bathroom on the first day. Moving is hot, sweaty and messy work, so you’ll want a refreshing shower or a relaxing soak in the tub at the end of the day.

Unpack the bedrooms next, as these are places for sanctuary and sleep. After the chaos of moving, it’s comforting to have your bedroom organised and ready to go.

Move on to your living and dining areas next. Set up your entertainment systems and the essentials for recreation and relaxation, but don’t worry about dressing the room with pictures and ornaments straight away. Many people advise that you should live in a space for a few weeks before you add your personal touches to the decor.

As many of us have an office at home, work from home, or are required to work from home at times, make sure you prioritise setting up your office space so you’re ready to go. As work is vital for income, you won’t want to leave this to last.

Unpack any non-essential items last. This includes occasional items like Christmas decorations, tools for the shed, sporting equipment and so forth. Going about the unpacking process room by room, in a structured and orderly fashion, makes the whole process go smoother and faster.

If you need help with unpacking, talk to us about help with reassembly of furniture, unpacking services and the removal of packing materials.