Make a Move Back Home for Christmas

Heading back to your hometown to begin again where you left off, is not going backward. It is going forwards with your family and lifelong friends surrounding you. Start anew with your support system cheering you on. Make a move back home for Christmas.  

Spend Time With Loved Ones Over the Holidays

Enjoy some food on the barbie in the backyard and play a rousing game of cricket with your extended family. Throw on your shorts, t-shirt, and jandals and head to the beach on holiday to spend time reconnecting with hometown friends. Sing songs with the little ones in your family. Rejoice in the fact that you’ll be able to be there for them all the time now, while they are growing up. You’ll be presenting your loved ones with the gift of your full-time presence.  

Reconnect With Your Hometown for 2017

Plan a new life in your hometown for 2017. Sure, things will not be exactly as you remember them, places and people change over the years, even in small ways. However, the important stuff remains the same. Hang onto the feeling you get whenever you hit the city limits heading home. Enjoy the pride you feel as you come up to the welcome sign offering visitors a glimpse into your town. Relish in the smell of your mum’s baking floating in the air as you walk through the front door of your childhood home. Regain the excitement you felt when planning your future with your best friends before graduation. Except, this time, you are preparing to settle down where your heart has always been- in your hometown.

Make Your Social Life a Priority in 2017

Don’t plan to be social just over the holiday season. Moving home for Christmas doesn’t mean only filling your social calendar until the New Year. You need to get out and reconnect with everyone and everything in your town over 2017. Look up events at the local establishments. Sign up for fun community classes or clubs that feature your hobbies. Make time to visit old friends, as well as meet new ones. Build a strong friendship circle. It will the transition back to hometown life much easier. The more activities you have planned for the next year, the more fun you are already promising to have. You’ll never know who you’ll meet or the new things you’ll find to enjoy until you get out there and just do it.

Make the Most of your Hometown Opportunities 

Get involved with local charities and organisations that are on a mission to better your community and help your neighbors through hard times. If you are religious, rejoin your childhood church or seek out a new one if your faith has changed over the years. Connect with those who share your passions and beliefs. Look up old bosses, such as store owners or venue managers. See what they are doing in life now. The greatest opportunities sometimes appear from the smallest gestures. Put yourself out there to help others, and you’ll have others willing to help you if you need it in the future.

Leave the Unfavorable Parts of your Past Behind You

It is important to make amends to anyone you may have hurt or wronged before you moved away from home. Confronting the past is the first step in putting it all behind you where it belongs. Buy a beer for the local restaurateur and finally, apologize for quitting your dishwasher job without notice. Meet your high school sweetheart and his or her spouse for a cup of coffee to reacquaint and laugh at old times. Sometimes, the scariest of situations are based on built up fear, rather than logic. So, go ahead and face your past misdeeds, but put more thought and effort into what your future actions will be.

Give yourself the gift of limitless possibility. Make a fresh start where your roots run the deepest, and like the beloved pohutukawa tree, bloom your brightest colors for loved ones to see. Grow along with everyone who creates the branches of your life. Moving home for Christmas will make all your future days seem very merry and bright.