Moving advice: when is the right time to move?

The start of a new year is known to give people itchy feet. After a holiday and a chance to reflect, it often triggers the impulse to make a change in lifestyle. This includes moving house. But how do you know if it’s the right time to move? We’ve put together a little bit of moving advice to help you work out if you’re ready to make a move.

Are you starting a family?

Our need for space in the home is usually determined by our stage of life. If you’re planning to start a family or have a young family, your need for space will increase. Often, it will increase dramatically year on year.

As children grow, so do their possessions, but you may also need separate spaces for recreation and relaxation. Teenagers don’t have the same interests as adults, so it can pay to have separate family rooms to avoid getting into a debate about who gets to take charge of the TV remote.

Do you now have an empty nest?

The opposite of the above is when your children have grown up and left home. Suddenly, you’re left with a large house to clean and maintain and a lot of unused space. This is a great opportunity to downsize and free up some of the capital that’s locked up in your property. With the vast array of retirement and lifestyle villages popping up all over the country, you may also want to look at an option where most of the maintenance is provided too.

How balanced is your cost of living?

We know the price of property continues to soar with the current perfect storm in the housing market. Borrowing a huge amount of money to buy a house in a desirable community may put more pressure on your day to day life than you’d like. While it’s never great in the short-term to uproot your family and move elsewhere, the long-term benefits may far outweigh the initial disruption. If you’re feeling the pinch in your household budget, consider looking for new opportunities.

Has your neighbourhood changed?

The continued demand for housing has seen many neighbourhoods change over the years, often for the better, but sometimes for the worse. If you’re surrounded by subdivisions for example, you may not have the privacy you once had when you first bought your house. If you’re starting to feel like the walls are closing in, it’s usually a good indication it’s time for a change.

Do you just need a change of pace?

Nothing ever stays the same in life. How many of us make New Year’s resolutions that never get fulfilled? Over time your interests change, your hobbies change or you may simply become inspired to do something completely new. If your house no longer supports your dream lifestyle, you’re better to chase the dream rather than getting into a rut. Go for it!

If you’re ready to make a move, we’re here to help.