Moving boxes: the ultimate guide

If there’s one universal truth about moving, it’s that you’ll need moving boxes and plenty of them. There are a large variety of moving boxes available today, but what kinds of boxes are best for each purpose? We’ve compiled this guide to help you choose the right boxes for when you next need to move.

Small boxes

Whether you’re doing the moving yourself or hiring movers, you should always consider the amount of weight you’re loading into each box. One way or the other, you will need to pick up or move boxes even if you’re only doing the unpacking. Small boxes are the best choice for heavy items such as books. You should also use small boxes if you want to protect a specific item. You can put more protective packing around the item so it won’t knock against another object while in transit.

Medium sized boxes

Use medium sized boxes for items that still have some weight to them like shoes, small appliances, pot and pans, toys and so forth. Remember to keep the load manageable so the box remains well within your comfort zone for lifting and carrying.

Large boxes

Large boxes are perfect for light, bulky items such as towels, bedding, pillows, clothing and linen. Just because you can fit more items in the box, still take care that you don’t end up with too much weight. Large boxes are harder to carry due to their size, so too much weight is a recipe for an accident or injury.

Boxes with hand holds

Some packing boxes come with handholds to make them easier to carry. If they’re overloaded, these can become compromised, meaning the box will lose its integrity. If you feel the handhold buckling as you lift the box, it’s carrying too much weight.

Double layered boxes

These boxes have two layers of corrugated cardboard for greater strength and impact resistance. Use these boxes for breakables, including crockery, computer equipment and glassware. Some specialised double layer boxes come with inserts for plates and glasses to help keep them secure.

Wardrobe boxes

You can now get various speciality boxes designed for specific purposes. A wardrobe box is designed for transporting clothes so they don’t get wrinkled or creased. They have a hanging bar so you can simply transfer your clothes from your wardrobe to the box and back to the wardrobe at your new home. They cost more, but they make packing and unpacking a breeze.

Picture boxes

These large, flat boxes are specifically designed for packing pictures. They can also be used for mirrors and other large flat items like flat screen televisions. The cost is easily offset by the added protection from damage or breakage.

Regular boxes

We recommend specialist packing boxes for moving house, but you can still use regular boxes as part of your packing. Small boxes are useful for sorting items and for stacking them into a packing box. If you have kept the boxes for your various electronics, repack them in the original box for added protection.

Where to get packing boxes

Most moving companies sell boxes. We carry a large range including speciality packing materials to keep your items well-protected in transit. Ask us for a quote. While you’re there, find out how affordable it is to get a packing service too. You’ll be amazed how easy we can make it for you to move house.