Moving during lockdown

Anyone who had a move booked after March 26 knows that nobody has been moving house during lockdown. Now we can see Alert Level 3 is tantalisingly close, and we are looking forward to getting NZ moving again. In the meantime, here’s a different look at moving during lockdown.

Keep moving during lockdown

Regular exercise is great for your sense of well-being, especially at times like these. Make sure you keep up your daily walk, run or whatever you do to keep fit. Kids especially need regular exercise. Making sure they get some fresh air will help everyone stay sane. Why not set yourself a challenge and turn this lockdown into a positive opportunity to become fitter and healthier?

We’ve been moved

We’ve been moved by the dedication and commitment shown by all our front line workers in this battle to eliminate the virus. In particular, we want to show our support and appreciation for all our medical workers, supermarket workers and other essential workers who are making sure we have everything we need through this period.

The Prime Minister’s message to the nation to “be kind” through the lockdown and the subsequent flood of kindness shown by people has also moved us. There are too many acts of kindness to mention, but all are inspiring, from donations of food parcels to struggling families, to homeless people being given shelter in motels, to all the small acts of kindness that have abounded. Why don’t we continue to be kind long after the lockdown has ended?

We also want to mention we’ve been moved by every New Zealander who has followed the rules and stayed home. Every person who has done this has helped to flatten the curve. Now, let’s see the rest of lockdown through and beat this virus for good.

Finally a moving quote

“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”
The 14th Dalai Lama

If you need a different kind of moving quote, our sales team are still working hard to provide moving quotes for all of our usual services.