The essential do’s and don’ts moving guide

Whether you’re moving for the first time or have moved many times, moving is always an exciting time. But it’s also a stressful and sometimes overwhelming process too. We’ve put together an essential moving guide with the do’s and don’ts of moving to help you get through any move with less stress and fewer problems.

The don’ts

Don’t underestimate the stress of moving

Moving is a major transition in anyone’s life. By its nature, it comes with stress. It puts you out of your routine, comfort zone and gives you much more to do each day. It’s normal to feel stress through this period. Be kind to yourself and others, and seek help if you start to feel overwhelmed.

Don’t leave tasks to the last minute

It’s easy to underestimate how much is involved in moving. Commonly, people misjudge how much they have to pack. It’s always more than you think because you don’t see all your belongings every day. Triple the amount of time you think you’ll need to complete each task. It’s always better to finish early than having too much to do at the last minute.

Don’t take shortcuts with boxes and packing materials

Good moving boxes and the right packing materials are essential for getting your belongings to your new home without breakages. Never substitute any box or packing materials for anything that isn’t designed for the job. Be generous with padding, packing and wrapping, and don’t overload boxes with too many items or too much weight.

If you’re unsure what you need, take a look at our new box shop. Everything you need is there.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Kiwis have a reputation for toughing it out in stressful situations, but there’s nothing wrong with asking for help. In fact, you’re much better off asking for help than putting yourself under extra pressure. Excessive stress can damage your health, as well as increasing your risk of an accident and injury by trying to do too much. If you don’t have friends or family to help, contact a moving company.

The Do’s

Do downsize

Moving is a wonderful lesson in the benefits of downsizing. We’ve covered this topic in detail in other articles, as it’s an essential process for any move. Downsizing is good for your mental health, gives you less packing to do and saves you money with moving costs. Sort your belongings into five groups: keep, sell, donate, recycle and throw away. The latter four apply to any item you don’t need, use or want anymore.

Do label boxes

While labelling boxes may seem like ‘yet another task’ on an already long list, it makes unpacking so much easier. List everything in the box on the box and you’ll make it very easy to find what you need at your new home. It also saves you from having to unpack everything in a hurry, allowing you to unpack at a leisurely pace.

Do get enough sleep

Get plenty of sleep through the moving process, especially the night before moving day. It’s very tiring, so you need to let your mind and body recover. The best way to do that is to get plenty of sleep. If you still have lots to do, you’re better to go to bed and wake up early instead of staying up late, which leads to exhaustion.  

Do pack essentials as a separate box

Read our article about the ultimate moving day survival kit for more detail about packing essentials. These are all the items you’ll need straight away. If you put them in one box or a bag, you’ll have everything you need before, during and after the move.

Do make your bed first

On moving day, many people forget to make beds until they need to sleep. Making the bed when you’re tired isn’t fun. Do this task immediately, so beds are available as soon as you need to sleep.

If you need more advice or help, please give us a call.