The essential guide to moving with pets

It’s moving time. You’ve made your checklist. You’ve set the day. You have your favourite moving company booked. You’ve organised to connect and disconnect services at both ends. The kids are organised and ready to go. But what about your precious pooch or cherished cat? Moving with pets is a handful in itself, so here’s a guide to the essentials to make moving house better for all the family.

Before moving day

There are a few admin tasks that need to be done ahead of moving day. Make sure all registrations are up to date with your vet, local council or with the national animal register. If you’re moving city, you’ll need to register with a new vet. If required, make sure you update any vaccinations too. Also update any information on your pet’s collar if this will change. Moving isn’t much fun for anyone, including pets, so if they should go astray, at least you’ll know they will be returned to the right home.

Forward planning just before moving day 

Moving day can be chaotic, so you’ll need to make plans for your prized pet. Having pets running around your feet while moving is a recipe for an accident, not to mention they could go for an unplanned walk while the gate is open. There are several ways to help make the move go better.

1. Start to get your pet adjusted before moving day

This isn’t always as easy to organise if you can’t get early access to your new home, but even taking your dog for several walks around their new neighbourhood will help them adjust sooner. If you can explore your new home and yard with your pet, all the better.

2. Organise a pet-sitter for a day or two

If you can send your favourite fluffy friend on holiday before, during and after your move, you’ll do everyone a favour. Moving is stressful and doing this removes pet related stress. Then you can focus on moving and know your pet is in good care.

3. Pet proof your new home as soon as you can

Make your new home pet friendly as soon as you can, such as installing cat or dog doors, making sure gates are secure and anything else your pet normally needs. This will save you from having a bored pet stuck inside while you’re trying to organise your new home.

After moving day

Making your pet feel at home as soon as possible will create a happy transition. Don’t wash their bedding for a week before and after moving unless absolutely necessary. Having a familiar smell will help them feel at home.

Even though you’ll have a to-do list as long as your arm, don’t forget to take your dog out for a big walk or run. It’ll help them familiarise themselves with their new surroundings and burn off energy. An excited pet and lots of disorganised breakables is not a good combination.

If you need help moving with pets, contact us about pet relocation services