‘Tis the season for moving office

With Christmas just around the corner, many businesses will be preparing to wind up for the year and take a break. The last thing you’d probably think about at this time would be moving office. Yet the Christmas break is actually one of the best times of the year to move offices if you need to relocate to new premises for any reason. Here are five reasons why moving office at Christmas is also a smart business move.

1. It’s a chance to clean-up, reorganise and recycle

How often do we get the chance to have a really good tidy-up with all the day to day responsibilities that go with running a business? Moving office during a shut down period gives you just that. It’s the perfect time to remove clutter and dispose of any equipment or furniture you no longer need. Anything you do that promotes efficiency in the workplace has to be good for business. Wherever possible, consider showing corporate responsibility by recycling or giving unwanted items to a worthy community cause.

2. Moving office is a disruption to business

Any move is a disruption to your normal routine. In business, disruptions affect profitability. Unless your business is located at the North Pole and staffed by elves, moving over the festive season is likely to cause the least disruption compared to any other time of the year.

3. Moving is easier when everyone else is off work

Any move is much easier with fewer obstacles to negotiate and less traffic on the road. The old business axiom ‘time is money’ also applies to moving office. The quicker it can be done, the sooner you can get back to business… or a well-deserved holiday.

4. Moving office is more complex than moving house

With our growing dependency on technology in business, moving office isn’t always as easy as reconnecting a few computers at the new premises. IT infrastructure needs to be set up, tested and any issues resolved before people come back to work. At any other time of the year, downtime from unexpected issues has a direct impact on the bottom line.

5. It’s great to get a fresh start to the new year

Not only will your staff be fresh from a holiday, having new, tidy, organised premises is a great way to start the year off on the right foot. Every business benefits when the team is feeling positive and enthusiastic.

If you want more information about moving office at any time of the year, give us a call.