Ultimate Guide To Moving House

Numerous people move up to half a dozen times in their lives. They could write their own guide to moving house. However, there are those who have stayed in one place for many years, but now find the necessity to move. For you, we offer this step by step guide to moving house.

This moving house guide checklist will include time management, whom to inform of the move, as well as a few packing tips. We’ll include big things like selling your unwanted goods in a garage sale and making sure you have your pre-move cleaning done. These are things most guide to moving home blogs forget to mention.

At The New House Before The Move

The first item’s you’ll need are a notebook and pen, a calendar and cleaning supplies. If possible, thoroughly clean the new empty house the week before the move. Any earlier, and you’ll have to dust and vacuum again. On the calendar, make a note to turn on the utilities the week of the move. You’ll trip over something in the dark.

Write in the notebook to bring the school records, medical records, and any other important documents necessary. Jot down a note to switch over the utilities, the phone supplier and broadband supplier. If you are not the first owner of the new house, change the locks before anything is moved in.

Tip: You will need to pack one box with necessities. These include towels, soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste, shampoo and deodorant, kitchen towels, dish soap, one place setting for each member of the family including water glasses and coffee cups. A change of clothes should go in the box as well. Pack food for the first day or call out for food delivery. This box will go with you in the car.

What You’ll Need Before The Move

The second item in the guide to moving house is to prepare for the move. Begin with the closing on the house. As long as you’re not moving overseas, you can pick up ordinary boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap for delicate items, markers for labelling boxes, as well as specialty boxes for artworks, china and boxes with rails to hang clothing or the odd chandelier.

Every step-by-step guide to moving house will advise going from room to room to pack what isn’t used every day. Label the boxes and stack them in a room not used every day like the formal living room or dining room. Label the boxes by which room they go in the new house. Unwanted or unused items will be sold in a yard sale or given to charities.

Should You Move Yourself Or Use A Professional Service?

Most guide to moving home articles advise using a professional removalist. They are licensed and insured, they know how to lift properly, as well as moving in half the time.

If the move will be a short distance and there’s nothing too heavy to lift, one can move oneself. However, most families have heavy furniture, lots of boxes, in addition to yard furniture and lawn tools like mowers. These are things best left to professionals. Especially if the move will be long distance.

Tip: Most removalists won’t move things like flammable liquids, paint cans and such. Move the mower, paint cans, odd things like rakes and shovels in the boot of the car.

Moving Tips

Even veteran movers need household movers guide tips. It’s easy to forget the little things in the rush and chaos of a move. That’s where our moving house guide checklist comes in!

 • Wrap china or electronics in blankets, sheets, towels or winter coats. That saves packing those things in a box

 • Remember to pack away the fixings holding artworks in a plastic sandwich bag. And attach to the back of the artwork

 • Pack heavy things like books half to a box. Pack the other half of the box with leftover blankets, towels or winter coats. They won’t be so heavy then

 • Fasten electronics cords with rubber bands or wire and tape them to the matching electronics

 • Place laptops, tablets, smart phones, iPods and other personal entertainment items in the car to go with the family

Moving house need not be as trying as people make it out to be. All you need to do is:

 • Clean and secure the new house
 • Pack an essentials box
 • Gather boxes, markers, bubble wrap, packing tape and labels
 • Place questionable items movers won’t touch in the boot of the car to transport to the new house
 • Remember to pack the little things like electric cords, nails and screws