Preventing the invasion of the Khapra beetle

Khapra beetle

Considered the number two National Priority Plant Pest, the Khapra beetle is a highly invasive pest not present in Australia. It poses a major threat to Australia’s grain industry. To prevent the arrival of Khapra beetle the Department of Agriculture are banning the importation of high risk plant products. This includes many common household food items. As a result, we recommend excluding food from all shipments.

High-risk plant products

  • Rice
  • Chickpeas
  • Cucurbit Seed
  • Cumin Seed
  • Safflower Seed
  • Bean Seed
  • Soybean
  • Mung Beans
  • Cowpeas
  • Lentils
  • Wheat
  • Coriander Seed
  • Celery Ceed
  • Peanuts
  • Dried Chillies/Capsicum
  • Faba Bean
  • Pigeon Pea
  • Pea Seed
  • Fennel Seed

The following exclusions apply: retorted goods that are commercially manufactured and packaged, goods that are blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, malted or pasteurised that are commercially manufactured and packaged, and commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived from vegetables or seed.

If you have any questions at all we recommend that you contact us or the Australian Department of Agriculture as soon as possible.