Redirecting Your Mail To A Forwarding Address When Moving

One of the most important and often overlooked tasks when moving house is to inform the post office moving house. The last thing you want is for your mail to be lost in the system, or delivered to your past address. There are all sorts of complications that can arise from failing to receive your mail in a timely manner, such as missing bill payments, incuring late fees, or even cancelation of services. If your great aunt sends your birthday card to wrong address, someone else may end up with your gift card! Thankfully, this simple process can be checked off your to do list with a few quick steps.

Inevitably, you will forget to tell someone about your new address, it is almost impossible to remember every person and business that sends you mail on a regular or annual basis so a moving house mail redirect plan is the only way to ensure all of your mail makes it to your new residence. Here is a list of considerations for your move (including change of address details): Moving Checklist

One of the most important of course though is the postal service.

First, you will need to decide the most efficient way to update your address with the post office. Options include a form submitted online, or in person at any post office. Many people choose the ease of submitting a form online from any computer with an Internet access. However, some may require special assistance, prefer to do things in person, or stop in on their regular trip to buy stamps. Regardless of the submission method, allow three full business days to process the form.

To update your address online and have the post office forward your mail, go to the NZ Post website. Here you will find a page dedicated to redirecting and holding mail. There are several things to consider before applying. How long would you like the post office to redirect your mail? Who you’d like to be notified of the change of address?
You’ll need to ensure that you have a valid NZ drivers licence or NZ Passport to verify your identity.
Your customer or account number for teh company who you wish to inform of the change of address (on your statement or bill).
There is a platform called “Change” that makes the process streamlined.

In Person
If you prefer not to submit your information online, you can also apply in person for a moving house redirect at a local post office. You will need to take a photo ID with you. Suggested IDs include driver’s license or passport. It would be advised that you also provide at least one document (utilities bill for example) with your name and current address. Once in the Post Office, you’ll be instructed on the proper forms to complete. Again, remember to allow three business days for the Post Office to process the information.

After you have informed the post office of your intent to move, the next item on your moving house mail checklist is to update your address with individuals and businesses (utilities providers for example, if you haven’t done so online) that regularly send you mail. Begin by making a list of people that you wish to keep in contact with. Many people choose to send out cards announcing their upcoming move, however a simple phone call will also do the job. After you have thought of individuals, consider businesses that send you mail. Don’t forget your creditors, banks, magazines or other publications, employers from the past year, and scheduled shipments. Most of these places will include on their latest piece of mail a change of address form, phone number, or website. As you receive mail during the months to come, create a list and set aside time each week to any previously missed. Of course there are different considerations to be taken when you are either moving locally or moving overseas.

Redirecting mail when moving house in seven steps.

1. Choose to submit your request online or in person.
2. Select a time frame to redirect your mail.
3. Complete the necessary form.
4. Submit proper identification.
5. Pay the appropriate fees.
6. Let individuals and businesses know you’re moving.
7. Update your address as your mail is redirected.

Once you have finished this task, you can have confidence that your mail will be redirected to your new residence in a timely manner. As you update your address with the necessary people, your mail will no longer need to be forwarded. At this time, you can relax knowing that all of the changes have been made. Moving house can be overwhelming, even if you have done it several times. Redirecting mail is just one of the many steps in our complete moving house mail checklist.